Libreria Editrice OssidianeLibreria Editrice Ossidiane

Mysteries of the Kabbalah

Editore: Abbeville Press Publishers
Prezzo: € 27,00

Informazioni: translated from the french by Josephine Bacon. - pp. 432, nn. ill. b/n, New York
Stampato: 2000-01-01
Codice: 978078920654

An introduction to Kabbalah, the mystical and secret tradition of Judaism. It explains Kabbalah's fundamental myths and symbols, which have so profoundly influenced both the Jewish and non-Jewish world. The book delves into such Kabbalist phenomena as the hearing of angels' voices, Chokmah (a form of transcendental wisdom), the four divine names and the five modalities of being, the light of infinity, and the significance of each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Marc-Alain Ouaknin also explores the influence of Kabbalah on art, literature, music, architecture, psychoanalysis and health. The book closes with a chapter on meditation.

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Argomenti: Ebrei, Ebraismo, Dottrina, Misteri,

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